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A Schaum's Outline of Principles of Physics by Frederick J. Bueche is a popular physics textbook that was originally published in 1957, and has been updated five times since its first publication. It provides a brief but thorough presentation of the material traditionally taught in a one-semester college course for science or engineering majors. In this blog post, we'll take an in-depth look at what the book is all about, who it’s for, and if it’s worth buying. The first chapter is dedicated to the history of physics, and covers some basic physics topics. One interesting factoid is that there are only three examples of an instantaneous effect that involve an object being dropped, being thrown or being pushed off a cliff. The others are all long-term effects that are very important in understanding physics... The book’s second chapter is called “Principles of Physics”, and it explains the concepts behind how physical laws affect physical systems. It includes a section on mass, momentum and energy, as well as the first law of thermodynamics. This section also covers conservation laws like the conservation of energy - one of the most misunderstood science topics out there. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it’s only transferred from one state to another. For instance, when an electric light bulb is turned on, energy is stored within it (electrons move around), and the stored energy can be used later for producing light. The book also explains the cause of action-at-a-distance with regards to electromagnetism. Einstein's special theory of relativity explained that mass and energy are not the only properties that are relative - time is also relative. The text goes into more detail about how Newton's laws are the foundation of our understanding of physics, but they were based on experiments performed by early scientists like Galileo Galilei... The book also covers the topics of electricity, how it is generated, stored and utilized. Here there are sections describing the three types of electric current - direct current (DC), alternating current (AC) and direct-current transformers. AC was discovered by Thomas Edison in 1885, but DC was first described by Alessandro Volta in 1800. The book also covers magnetism - an intimately related topic to electricity - as well as the electromagnetic spectrum... The chapter on electromagnetism explains how electrical charge can be placed on an object using an electromagnetic field, and the creation of a magnetic field... Neutrons are seen as particles because they cannot be separated from their nuclear binding partners. The book does a great job of explaining how neutrons work, how something as small as a neutron can have so much force... The chapter on kinetics discusses the laws of motion and Newton's laws of motion. The text also informs that there is no single law for moving speed - there are many different factors that affect the speed at which an object moves. The chapter then covers momentum via Newton's second law, mass and impulse. There is a lot of information in this section about inertia, centrifugal force and supersonic speeds... cfa1e77820

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